What is the Family Tree and how does it work?

 What is the Family Tree and how does it work?
Half of a user’s earned revenue comes from the growth and activity of their personal network. All users on tsū have their own Family Tree, which indicates the number of users they’ve brought to the platform and the overall network growth they’ve provided. When viewing the Family Tree, a user’s network is organized as such:
Friends - The tsū members that are your friends. (You may or may not have invited them to join tsū).
Children - All of the members you’ve directly invited to join tsū via your shortcode.
New Children - The newest members you’ve invited to join tsū via your shortcode.
Network - The overall members that stem from your invitations to join tsū. This includes anyone that has joined directly via your member shortcode, as well as the users that have joined one or more ‘generations’ away from your member shortcode. Please note, members who join directly through your shortcode are qualified as your ‘Children’, and the members your ‘Children’ invite are called your ‘GrandChildren’ and so on.
Followers - The tsū members that Follow you. (You may or may not have invited them to join tsū).

For more information about your network value, please visit: What is the tsu Algorithm?

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